How Easily to succeed in Bachelor of Accounting (10 steps)

For an A Cote in an accounting course, the student must demonstrate excellent performance in examinations, the mini-tests and in practical work. Generally, since the averages are, more often than not standardized, the student is an A will get 10 to 15 points above the average of the class.

Pass through its Courses / BA in Accounting while maintaining a good average is not always easy!

Here are 10 detailed steps to optimize its success!

Understand the expectations of teacher
Being your own teacher
Work hard from the first course
Attend all courses
Take good class notes
Participate in class
His exercises and problems
Study in advance for exams
Studying with a friend
Healthy Living

Step 1 – Understand the expectations of Professional Accounting

The majority of accounting professors (and tax!) Care about the success of their students. They like to assign high ratings (A and B) and regret having to assign low grades (D and F). Yet they usually have high expectations (as all employers in the field) and make no exception for award odds.

A key component to know what the teacher expects is to pay attention during the presentation of the lesson plan and re-read the syllabus itself. Many students consider the course plan as a formality. However, this document contains, to the surprise of many, much more than the feedback and issues to do. In fact, the essential subject matter, as is often detailed. By combining this information with active listening in class (remember about what your teacher focuses!), It is much easier to be efficient in its preparation and to anticipate questions that will be present at the examination.

Step 2- Being your own licensed Professional Accounting

As a student at CEGEP or university, your main learning objectives are to acquire 1) Knowledge 2) understanding 3) Skills 4) all of the above. In most cases, teachers do not have availability all day and it is unlikely that your teacher has a lot of time for you personally.

The teacher’s role (especially at the University) is to present the content and explain that there be no confusion on the subject. So you will often study (and understand) by yourself. According to many scholars, this quality is called resourcefulness.

Intelligent study is not clear. It is important to allocate time to each part of matter. Yet when you lack the time, this may happen during exam time, you have to make human sacrifices at the matter. It is important to establish your priorities according to your remaining amount of study, your time and your motivation. It’s not easy to do, but see it as a practice that will serve you for your future career. (In life in general too!)

Note: Always remember that studying the night before (read: the night before) a review, even with a coffee (yes, even with a large coffee and / or a Redbull and / or wake-up pills), n is not the best idea when trying to perform the exams.

Step 3 – Working hard  during Work

Generally, students who do well in accounting start studying from the first class and spread their study over several days and weeks, which allows them to reflect at length on the matter and its practical application. In fact, when a student begins to revise ahead and he does his readings and problems, the subconscious does its job and the student assimilates more easily long-term matter.

Since during exam periods examinations of different courses invariably arrive at the same time, the student who studied and assimilated the material as will not be anxious as one who has too many ideas to assimilate to the allotted time. It is scientifically proven that stress and anxiety disrupts the frontal lobe activity and therefore learning.

It can be difficult to catch a delay in its study. It is not obvious to study, for example, two previous topics and current topic. Yet it is also important to live, enjoy life and be happy. So important is to do the best with the resources available!

Step 4 – Attend all courses

There is a strong correlation between class attendance and a student obtaining a good rating. Be present in the classroom is a great opportunity to sit (sit is cool!) And hearing the views of the teacher on the topic of your book. Since you have done your reading before class (you’ll not want it if you have not done), this is a great opportunity to put into perspective the matter.

Another good reason for coming to class is the teacher often will focus on the most difficult subjects and make examples (often similar to the problems present in the review).

For the student model that includes all (or who gets the course), attend the course will enhance the understanding of the material.

Note: Drinking spirits (read: go brush / ensure / out) on the eve of a course, lie the small hours and rely on coffee to annihilate your hangover (read: your hangover) the next morning, it’s no.

Step 5 – Take good lecture notes
Course notes

The quiet revolution, memories?

Take good notes of course is essential to get a good rating. Not only taking notes promotes learning and listening to the course, but the notes act as a complement to the hardware provided the teacher.

Several accounting courses will now give using PowerPoint (ppt). In these cases, it is interesting to bring your laptop (laptop) in class and to take its course notes in the comment section slides ( below) or by hand on a sheet. Open a word document / one grade / outdoor PowerPoint software will only slow you down in your note taking.

The accounting courses are generally very responsible, quick note taking is important not to miss anything and to have time to listen (and understand) what the teacher.

Note: Even bringing her laptop in class, it’s a good idea to bring the necessary to take notes (about power draw graphs surprises / other forms of obscure paintings (hello, accounting 3) when the need s! ‘arises).

Step 6 – Participating in lifting class

It is shown that students who participate in class assimilate better materials than those who do not participate. It is important not to be afraid to give a wrong answer or ask questions. Although a question may be inconvenient, most other students have (or will) probably the same and you them render a service.

Note: While some students find (sometimes, in rare cases) entertaining to let a teacher ask a question in a vacuum, it is of no real use and lean not / would not recommend this approach.

Step 7 – Make the exercises and problems (no open corrected!)
His exercises and problems is probably the most important step in your success process. Indeed, since the accounting standards are of human origin, they are not always obvious and must be learned by a process of repetition and reinforcement.

It is absolutely essential to all your problems to get through all possible situations that may arise in your professional life and review.

Learn to ride the financial statements is not done shouting scissors but with repetition and training your own accounting logic. Find a fun behind the challenge and the fact of learning, use your resourcefulness, be competitive!

Step 8 – Study in advance for exams

Pass the exams in accounting (or the examination for obtaining Accountant) takes a lot of work. It is not uncommon to see students have to study more than 15 hours for an accounting exam. Fifteen hours is a long time, no matter how we see. The benefits that accompany an A usually come with high opportunity costs (note the use of a concept of economy here) .

It is much easier to go out with friends, sitting in front of a movie, go to tan, or that play to video games to sit and open your tax law or brick (dark blue ?) which serves intermediate accounting textbook. In addition, many students work (some up to 30 hours per week) during their university career.

It is important to find a balance between the number of hours devoted to recreational activities, work and study and reward yourself when you judge that you deserve it. The Bachelor of Accounting takes self-discipline to not take part in your recreational activities after your period of study and your exam week.

Step 9 – Study with a friend
Study and work problems with a friend is a good way to study without putting too much pressure. To speak aloud of the material forces you to assimilate the material and make it more familiar to you. Your study partner can correct you and you can do the same. Being forced to think while you listen is invaluable in a study framework (as in interpersonal relationships) and just as important as having to think before speaking.

Note: Choose a study partner too entertaining / not motivated enough / the party will make your study more difficult. You are warned. Yet understanding the new material in this circumstance can be a good challenge staff ..

Step 10 – Healthy Living

You think the name of this (last) step seems a little simplistic? think again! After all, here, we keep the best for last (yes!).

This step is often overlooked by students, to the detriment of their physical and psychological health. To think, act and learn effectively, your health should be in good condition. As mentioned earlier, learning involves the frontal lobes and if they react negatively to certain elements of your life, your ability to learn (and your potential lifespan) will get reduced.

It is important to sleep at least 8 hours and half per 24 hours on a regular basis. This is called a full night’s sleep. Unfortunately, this feat is not always possible during periods (read: hell) examinations. That is why it is important to sleep when it is possible to do, before and after weeks of exams. For those who have not yet understood, sleep at night is much healthier for the body that sleep during the day.

Drink water (2-3 liters a day) is also very important for the well-being of the body, especially if you consume drinks containing students in small or large quantities (read: all), sugar, caffeine and / or alcohol (hello, scotch coffee!).

Eating foods containing meat, fish, dairy products and animal fats (a balanced diet) is essential. Eating too much food rich in sugar or fat reduces your level of long-term energy and therefore makes it more difficult to perform in your accounting courses.

Some researchers recommend exercise for students and Americans in general using the argument that they already have a busy life.

However, physical exercise, whether or not intense, increases energy level, motivation, mood, concentration and especially REDUCES STRESS. Muscle maintenance, bodybuilding and physical activity on a regular basis enough to keep your brain sharp and healthy. Given the amount of physical activity facilities available on campus today, you have (probably) no good reason not to maintain your body.

Note: Obscure studies by Mr. Yvan Pasfort have shown that wearing brown clothes, especially the low brown (even with a beige follows) increases the risk of dementia and tendonitis of the wrist at the accountant.

To conclude..
Take care accounting (others too)! Hoping that the article will help you achieve your academic background in accounting while maintaining a good rating!

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